In addition to cultivating and distributing high end premium indoor flower, Oakland-based cannabis company Grizzly Peak™ is also committed to helping local communities and supporting important social causes. Grizzly Peak is proud to announce that in October, we partnered with all of Haven Dispensaries' Southern California locations to organize the Breast Cancer Angels fundraiser. Every unit of Grizzly Peak's cannabis products promoted at this event were sold out across all 6 Haven Dispensary locations in just one day, successfully raising over $2,300 with 100% of the proceeds going directly towards the Breast Cancer Angles organization.
Breast Cancer Angels is a local non-profit that provides financial and mental-health assistance for women and their families who are currently going through breast cancer treatment. All aspects of financial and emotional support are considered - the non-profit helps provide everything from food, gas, rent, and medical needs, to school supplies and clothing for those who have children. Breast Cancer Angels has been operating for over 18 years now and has helped provide immediate assistance to over 600+ individuals. The organization works with women (and men) who need assistance while dealing with breast cancer in the Southern California areas of Orange County, Long Beach, and San Diego.
If you know someone who is diagnosed with breast cancer and might need any form of financial or emotional support, visit Breast Cancer Angel’s website here https://www.breastcancerangels.org/get-involved/ to donate and learn more about how you can get involved!